Push for Level 6 qualifications 'morally right' - chief exec

The chief executive of Succession Group says it “is commercially and morally right” to train his staff to at least Level 6 qualification after embarking on a pilot scheme with the IFP. Read more...

Paraplanners' pay should be equal to advisers, says Succession boss

Paraplanners should be paid equally as well as advisers, Succession Group chief executive Simon Chamberlain says.


CFP status is high on employers' wishlist

Certified Financial PlannerCM status is high on the wish list of employers as they continue to recruit highly qualified individuals, a jobs report has concluded. Read more...

Total earnings increase 'markedly' for financial advisers

Earnings for both employed and self-employed financial advisers have "increased markedly", according to a census on industry remuneration. Read more...