ValidPath launches £100,000 loan facility for ARs  

Adviser network ValidPath has launched a £100,000 loan facility to help established adviser firms wanting to leave their current network who feel shackled by so-called 'golden handcuff' deals.


NI cut could hit state pension funding

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s National Insurance (NI) cuts, which come into effect on Saturday, could hit the future funding of the state pension and current triple lock.


MAS boosts money guidance budget to £27.2m for final year

The Money Advice Service has proposed a slightly increased money guidance budget of £27.2m for its final year (up £0.2m) before it merges with two other guidance bodies.


FCA's operating costs set to rise nearly £30m

The FCA's operating costs are set to rise nearly £30m for the next financial year, with increasing amounts going on staff. Read more...