Experts warn 20% of consumers could exhaust pension funds

Increasing use of income drawdown following the Budget annuity changes could see 20% of pensioners exhausting their funds before they die, pension experts have warned. Read more...

LV= welcomes GAD rate increase from January

The GAD rate for January 2014 has been announced as 3.25% - up from 3% - a move which will help people using income drawdown, says LV=. Read more...

Technical Update: Income Drawdown

The annuity market in the US has declined as more people move towards more flexible retirement options such as income drawdown but will the same happen here? Some experts seem to think so. Baby boomers starting to enter retirement in the UK will herald an unprecedented boom in demand for income drawdown, believes Standard Life's Alastair Black. Read more...

Chancellor needs to revisit income drawdown reform

Few areas of pensions have been subject to more regulatory reform and political change than income drawdown. Pensions commentator John Moret of Moreto Sipps looks at what Chancellor George Osborne could do in 2013. Read more...