Pensions mis-selling claims forecast to rise nearly 70%

The amount of Sipps mis-selling claims will rise by nearly 70% in the next year, the FSCS has forecast.


'Annuity plan axe defuses misselling Timebomb'

Another misselling scandal has been prevented after the ticking ‘timebomb’ of annuity re-sales was defused.


FCA failed to stop cultural problems of mis-selling - MPs

The FCA has failed to do enough to tackle the cultural problems behind mis-selling by finance firms, a committee of MPs has concluded.


FCA: 'significant improvements' in tackling mis-selling but more to do

The FCA says that the major retail banks have either replaced or made substantial changes to financial incentive schemes which played such a major role in the mis-selling scandals of recent years but one in 10 firms still retains "higher risk" incentive schemes. Read more...