John Moret: The SIPP and pension reforms we need

In my last article for Financial Planning Today - My 50 year career in pensions - I reflected on my 50 years in the world of pensions and financial services and commented on what I saw as some of the dominant features.


John Moret: My 50 year career in pensions

On 7 September 1970 (50 years ago today) I stepped into Sun Life’s offices at 107 Cheapside in the City of London for the first time and started out on a voyage of discovery in the world of pensions and financial services.


John Moret: What Carey judgment means for SIPPs

What a difference a couple of weeks can make. In my last article I asked just what is “fair and reasonable” in the context of recent Financial Ombudsman’s (FoS) determinations relating to SIPPs and specifically referred to one recent decision involving Liberty SIPP Limited.


John Moret: Why CMCs threaten growing number of firms

The news announced last week that Liberty SIPP Limited had entered administration should have come as no surprise following recent determinations by the Financial Ombudsman (FoS).