FCA revamps PRIIP rules in first post-EU move

The FCA has made significant changes to the rules on Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) in one of its first major moves away from EU regulation.


PFS signs post-Brexit Euro qualifications deal for members

The Personal Finance Society says it has secured a “vital” post-Brexit European foothold for UK financial advisers by officially aligning the qualifications framework of its 37,500 members with their counterparts across the rest of the continent.


Treasury committee warns of danger to EU expat pensions

Nicky Morgan MP, the chair of the Treasury Committee, is urging the government to act soon to clarify the postion on cross-border pensions and insurance contracts post-Brexit amid fears of chaos.


People spending more time talking money post-Brexit

People appear to be spending more time discussing money issues with friends and family post-Brexit but there is a growing north-south divide in the amount of time individuals discuss money matters.