Aegon: FCA must stop consumers "sleepwalking into retirement"

A senior manager at Aegon UK has called on the FCA to take action to stop consumers "sleepwalking into retirement". Read more...

Chancellor urged to tackle 'systemic' pension failures

Hargreaves Lansdown, the Bristol-based investment provider and Financial Planning firm, says Chancellor George Osborne should use his autumn statement on Thursday to begin to tackle systemic failures in converting pension pots into retirement income. Read more...

Growing gender gap hits retirement income in 2013

The pensions income gap between men and women has grown over the past year with women's retirement incomes at a five year low, according to research from Prudential. Read more...

ABI wants more to shop around for better retirement income

The Association of British Insurers says that many people are missing out on better retirement income by failing to shop around when they cash in their pension for an annuity. Read more...