In May, Central Southern England branch welcomed a team from Glanvilles Solicitors to give delegates a useful update on legal matters. This included business succession, vulnerable clients, divorce and tax and trusts, reports branch chairman Ben Rouse CFPCM.
We first discussed the use of cross option agreements in the context of business succession. This progressed to considering deputyship/LPAs, disabled person's trusts (including proposed changes) and care fees planning.
Funding to include abolition of legal aid was then discussed, as were the different methods of dealing with financial provision on divorce (including the advantages and disadvantages of each), and current legal issues relating to pensions and inherited and re-acquired assets.
Finally, we rounded off with an update on taxation and trusts covering recent developments and the threats and opportunities arising from such for us as Financial Planners (including impending taxation and rule changes).
Thanks to Glanvilles for such a useful and practical session which was crammed with so
much detail.