The IFP has always been a strong supporter of Paraplanners and Paraplanning.
It aims to provide more resources and opportunities for this dynamic community to help Paraplanners develop their knowledge and skills. The IFP website now has a Paraplanner zone designed specifically to support the
Paraplanning community. This includes a popular Paraplanner blogspot.
As well as running the annual Paraplanner conference, the Certificate in Paraplanning qualification from FPSB UK, the IFP also has Paraplanner representation at board level with Richard Allum CFPCM elected to the board by members back in 2012. The IFP recently took over the Paraplanner of the Year Award previously run by The and was delighted to work with Parmenion on that project which saw Gemma Siddle CFPCM win the trophy recently. More is planned for 2014 too.