NHC branch combined ETFs with best practice at its October meeting, with both theoretically dry subjects being treated to a rollercoaster ride of enthusiasm.
David Patterson of Deutsche Bank highlighted the different ways that ETFs and funds can be used, in particular in the area of commodities.
Making key comparisons between the rules for funds and ETFs, he demonstrated that in some areas the use of ETF is the only way of gaining exposure to some commodities before covering the problems with futures contracts. David's expertise added considerably to the knowledge bank, as did the comprehensive information pack provided.
Michelle Hoskin of Standards International then considered how best practice ideas can to be used to create an amazing experience for clients through the area of business processes.
A management system which allows the roles within a business to be identified allows a great deal of focus to getting the right people for the right roles, rather than vice versa. The structure of a process- driven system allows continual improvement, the creation of change rather than the management of it, reveals when you have a real business and not a practice.
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