What do you want to see on the programme at your IFP branch next year? 2015 might seem a long way away but now is the time to get thinking.
On 4 September, the IFP's hard working branch chairmen meet for their annual review of what's worked well at branch meetings as well as what didn't in 2014. Central to their agenda is that chairmen will be making the all important decisions about what to include in their 2015 branch programme. They'd be delighted to hear from members with any
ideas you have for speakers, sessions, topics that you'd find valuable.
The chances are if you'd find them valuable, other members would too. Members should contact their current branch chairman during August with any ideas or suggestions for branch meetings. Some IFP branch chairmen will be stepping down this year, handing over the baton to others. The IFP thanks all members who put themselves forward. Details of the new chairmen will be sent to branch members by the end of July.