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New Powwow host Caroline Stuart talks to FP Today
Caroline Stuart FPFS, a Chartered Financial Planner and head of technical at Financial Planning firm DB Wood in Newark, is the new host of this year’s Paraplanner Powwow taking place next week.
She has taken over as host from leading Paraplanner Richard Allum, who continues to organise the events he founded over five years ago. They both work with a team of enthusiastic volunteers. Financial Planning Today asked Caroline to tell us how the run up to the Powwow is going.
She said: “The planning is all in full swing and the finishing touches are just being added. One of the best things for me is the atmosphere of the Powwow, it is so friendly and fun that you hardly notice that you are learning things to boot! I think the biggest highlight for me this year will be our ‘headline act’ – our Guru is the incomparably wonderful Justin Urquhart-Stewart, and I’m really looking forward to hearing him speak.
FP Today: It’s your first year in charge - how has that been and what support have your had?
“It is a little daunting but I’m really looking forward to it. It’s the Powwow, so it’s such a friendly atmosphere and you know everyone is on your side so I’m sure it will go swimmingly!
The support has been brilliant, what people don’t often fully realise, myself included until this year, is the amount of work that goes on to arrange it and that there’s the most amazing team busy organising the Powwow. Every detail is considered to make it the best event it can be; the Powwow team are just fantastic at what they do which is why it is so loved, and I have been supported at every single point, making my job actually really very easy!”
FP Today: The event has sold out again. You must be pleased with that but can you explain how the waitlist works and how other Paraplanners can add their name to that?
“We are thrilled that its fully sold out again, and the fantastic thing is that more than half of this year’s Powwowers haven’t been to one before so we’ll be getting lots of new faces. This is brilliant because it also means that more people are obviously getting to hear about the Powwow and coming to find out what it’s all about.
“Anyone who has missed out on a ticket can join the waiting list, this is on the Powwow website: https://paraplannerspowwow.co.uk/events/paraplanners-powwow-2017/#book
“If someone cancels or a ticket becomes available, then the freed up tickets are allocated to the waiting list in the order people joined it, so its always worth signing up if you’d like to come.
FP Today: Anything else you’d like to add?
“Definitely a massive thanks to the Powwow supporters; the Powwow would not be the wonderful thing that it is without their help. Not only do they support us but they always come and really enter into the spirt of the thing, which is just fantastic, so huge big-ups, cheers and nice ones to Aviva, 7IM, Transact, Aegon, Just and James Hay for being just blooming marvellous and supporting us in the way they do.
“Also, thanks to each and every one who comes, the Paraplanners who are attending and/or helping as without them and their input, there would be no Powwow.
“Finally, a request to the Powwowers who are coming – the Powwow is created by Paraplanners for Paraplanners to help each other and make things better, so come along with your ideas, questions, suggestions and thoughts, no matter how simple or bonkers you think they may be. Definitely be prepared to get stuck in and join the fray, but above all, enjoy yourself and have a great day! Ps. Come hungry as there are always a ton of sweets and goodies that need to be munched!”