
Tuesday, 24 August 2021 06:54

LCF investors withdraw appeal against FSCS

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Investors in failed mini-bond firm London Capital & Finance (LCF) have withdrawn their judicial review appeal against the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Some 8m people are planning a DIY approach to retirement and planning to avoid professional financial advice but admit they do not know how to avoid running out of money in retirement, according to a new study.

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, the professional body which runs the Certified Financial Planner designation, has praised 300 school and college sixth form students for taking and passing its exams this year despite pandemic disruption.

A former owner of the famous Norton Motorcycles company is to be prosecuted for allegedly illegally investing money in the business from three pension schemes for which he was the sole trustee.

The number of poorly-performing investment funds ‘named and shamed’ by Bestinvest’s ‘Spot The Dog’ report has halved over the past 6 months from 150 down to 77.