
EBITDA rose 132% to £91.7m for the first half of 2021 at wealth manager and Financial Planner Tilney Smith & Williamson with gross new business inflows of £3.2bn (H1 2020: £1.4bn) representing 12.5% of opening assets (on an annualised basis).

Nearly 37% of fake text messages received by consumers over the past 90 days were linked to financial scams, according to new data.

Pensions and investment consultancy Hymans Robertson Investment Services (HRIS) says its latest study suggests that more than 9 in 10 IFAs are willing to accept that ESG-focused funds and investments may produce lower returns than non-ESG funds - but believe this is an acceptable downside risk.

Monday, 16 August 2021 09:37

FE fundinfo buys fintech FundConnect 

Data provider and fintech FE fundinfo has acquired FundConnect, a fund data and technology company based in Denmark, for an undisclosed sum.

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A good financial plan will always need regular updating to stay on track as Financial Planners know, even if clients do not always appreciate this.