Financial Planner James Shattock CFPCM helps a wealthy and experienced investor regain his enthusiasm for his varied investment portfolio following the devastating death of the client's wife.
With RDR on the way and adviser charging on everyone's mind, Laura Dew talked to some leading Financial Planners about how they select funds for their clients, their investment stratagies and why increasing numbers favour low cost investments.
Mark Brownridge CFPCM of Mazars Financial Planning helps two affluent teachers avoid some retirement pitfalls and plan ahead for later life, while making the most of their investment and tax planning opportunities.
In this edition of Technical Update we look at how Financial Planners can access legal advice directly from a barrister.

Writer Sally Hamilton looks at the rising number of platform providers and asks how the landscape for them and the Financial Planning profession will change with the advent of the RDR in 2013.

In this edition of Technical Update we look at what makes a good income investment and how Financial Planners can maximise returns in a difficult climate. Problems in the Eurozone mean typically favoured investments, such as gilts, have fallen to their lowest ever level and are no longer seen as viable ‘safe haven’ investments. As a result, Financial Planners are looking outside the box for alternative means of investment to find growth potential.

Stephen Jones CFPCM helps a recently widowed, high-achieving academic cope with the personal loss she has suffered and begins to plan ahead for her financial future.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012 11:36

Cover feature: Sipps in business

Rob Kingsbury talked to a variety of Financial Planner and asked them how they are using Sipps to provide a retirement solution across their client range, particularly for business owners.

In this edition of Technical Update we look at a pensions area which is often talked about among professional intermediaries but which is equally often poorly understood, QROPS and its derivatives.

The RDR will bring sweeping change for the financial services sector. Many Financial Planners are ready but how are the product providers coping and what are they doing to ensure they remain fit for the future?

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