Friday, 13 June 2014 15:57

My Business: Peter Adcock CFPCM

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Every month Financial Planner asks a leading planner to share best practice from their firm. In this edition Peter Adcock of Adcock Financial tells readers what led him towards the path of Financial Planning and how he built his business.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 15:01

Key pension reform dates in the coming year

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Over the next 12 months the pensions and retail investment sectors expect to see some of the most sweeping changes for a generation following one of the most radical Budgets in recent years.
In this edition of Technical Update Jeremy Passmore, a Partner and Head of Private Client for Thomson Snell & Passmore Solicitors in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, looks at trusts and their pivotal role in estate and Financial Planning strategies.
Thursday, 08 May 2014 16:45

Delay in new capital adequacy rules rattles nerves

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It was 'a Budget for makers, doers and savers', in the word of Chancellor George Osborne as he stunned almost everyone with his radical financial plans for pensions in particular, writes Sally Hamilton, deputy personal finance editor of the Mail on Sunday in the last edition of Financial Planner magazine.
Thursday, 08 May 2014 16:27

My Business: Michael Smith of Chamberlyns

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How did you get into Financial Planning and what attracted you to the profession?
Thursday, 08 May 2014 16:16

Real life case study: James Pearcy-Caldwell of Aisa

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Case overview
Gavin and Ruth, both aged 53, moved out of the UK on the 15 April 2010 to Cyprus, where they have lived in rented accommodation since.
Dan Woodruff CFPCM of of Woodruff Financial Planning explains how he helped a couple with their financial predicament after bad health took hold.

Tuesday, 08 April 2014 15:04

Financial Planning in 2024

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Predicting the future without a reliable crystal ball is an onerous task but the consensus among Financial Planners is that the industry will undergo huge change over the next decade, writes Nicola Brittain.
Tuesday, 08 April 2014 14:15

My Business: Jason Butler

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Jason is a partner at Bloomsbury, a wealth management company based in the City. 
PLATFORMS have been making something of a comeback in the fashion world lately and in 2013 the investment world began giving its own particular models a makeover that is predicted to continue well into 2014.
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