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The pandemic is impacting different sections of society in different ways. For example, a recent study by Legal & General suggested that 1.5m people plan to delay their retirement because of Covid-19 and its financial impacts.

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We were treated to some astonishing figures from the FCA this week as it attempts to grapple with the huge growth in people buying cryptoassets.

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Financial Planners has adjusted remarkably quickly to remote working and video meetings with clients but it has not been easy for some and in many ways is just a speeding up of trends we have seen over recent years.

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It’s been on our “to do” list for months, maybe even a couple of years. We’ve deliberated over what it should look like, what it should do and how we would use it.  We’ve looked at no end of options out there and we’ve completed the due diligence. 

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A few years ago I carried out a research project for another publisher and we worked out that all the personal finance magazines put togther would equal only a fraction of the circulation of Women’s Own.

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As dawn broke on 17 March, we sent out the bat signal to the moneyinfo crew to implement our business continuity plan, writes Tessa Lee, MD of fintech moneyinfo.

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A new poll of Personal Finance Society members suggests nearly 90% of Financial Planners will never return to the way they worked before the pandemic.

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The FCA’s long awaited DB transfer review was published today with, seemingly, a ban on contingent charging which turns out to be not a complete ban after all.

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During these unprecedented times the number of ‘vulnerable clients’ is likely to increase due to the economic impact of the Coronavirus outbreak, emotional or family issues, and a change in health.

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It won’t have gone unnoticed by many Financial Planning Today readers that the week before last was Mental Health Awareness Week.