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The news announced last week that Liberty SIPP Limited had entered administration should have come as no surprise following recent determinations by the Financial Ombudsman (FoS).

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In the Surrey village where I live, we’re currently in what one of my colleagues described as ‘the Cranleigh bubble’. She means that life here appears relatively healthy, by all accounts.
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In this weird world of lockdown many are working from home and having to deal with all the challenges it brings.

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In some ways my “typical day” hasn’t changed significantly. 

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Now that I have reached the end of week four of working from home, I have been able to reflect on this time. There are things that I miss (colleagues) and things that I don’t (Thameslink). 

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On 2 April, I celebrated my 72nd birthday. It was a joyful day with my wife and daughters spent at our rustic New England home overlooking a pond. 

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The events of the last few weeks have impacted just about every aspect of everyday living – including the world of pensions.

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In one fell swoop the Chancellor has changed the rules of the game for the self-employed.

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Eighteen months ago PIMFA refurbished our offices in City Road, necessitating a six-week work-from-home programme for our entire team. 

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What a week! Comic book fans might be forgiven for thinking we’ve woken up in Bizarro World. Life is not quite normal right now.
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