Gloster - FCA failed to protect LCF investors

The FCA is to implement a package of reforms after accepting the findings of the long-awaited Gloster Report that it failed to adequately protect the 11,625 investors who lost money due to the £236m collapse of mini-bond provider London Capital & Finance.


Editor’s Column: FCA right to tackle search engines


I was taken aback this week while watching the FCA’s virtual Annual Meeting by the strength of criticism by the FCA of Google and other search engines for failing to stem the tide of bogus financial advertising and the heartache and compensation bills that follow in its wake.


FCA lambasts scam ads on Google and social media

FCA chairman Charles Randell has lambasted scam investment advertising on Google and social media.


Annuity failings cost providers £135m - FCA

More than 32,000 pension savers have received £135m in compensation from providers who failed to inform them about enhanced annuity options, the FCA has revealed in its Annual Report and Accounts.