Editor’s Comment: Time for more Pete Matthews…

One of the greatest challenges for Financial Planning in the long term is how to reach the millions who have never heard of Financial Planning or have only a vague idea of what it is and its value. The estimable Pete Matthew, an entrepreneurial Chartered and Certified Financial Planner, may be showing one important way forward.


Money podcaster Pete Matthew seals 7IM partnership

UK-based money podcast and 7IM have launched a “groundbreaking”, low-cost investment service to make it easy for viewers and listeners to invest in funds that match their appetite for risk.


Planning for the masses: CFP pro overwhelmed by response

A Financial Planner who wanted to bring Financial Planning to the masses says he has been overwhelmed by the impact of his podcasting show, which has now been downloaded over 350,000 times. Read more...

Advisertech website for advisers recruits 14 members in first month

Advisertech, the new website designed to help Financial Planners make the most of the internet and social media, has signed up 14 members in its first month and is on target to reach 25 by the end of the year. Read more...