Trott: I want return to Pensions Simplification

We are coming up to 12 years since the introduction of pension simplification and although it seemed at the time not to solve or simplify much I would go back to that day in a heartbeat.


Claire Trott: Pension scammers beware

The high court has ordered a group of pension scammers repay £13.7m to the victims of their scams. This is the first ruling of this type and should hopefully strike fear into scammers, although I suspect those who conduct these types of scams still believe they will get away with it.


Claire Trott: Why this was the Budget that wasn’t

I can’t help but feel a bit cheated when I am sat in the office on Budget day waiting for some surprise pensions announcement by the Chancellor and there is not only no surprise, but the word pension is only mentioned twice in the whole speech.


Claire Trott: Why SIPP complaint numbers make my blood boil

One thing that makes my blood boil is the blame SIPPs get every time there is a release of information on complaints.