Claire Trott: False claims about pensions tax relief

It was with a little fear, back in July, that I read the Public Accounts Committee’s proposal that HMRC should, within 12 months, evaluate the impact of pensions tax relief. 


Claire Trott: My lockdown seminar tips

In this weird world of lockdown many are working from home and having to deal with all the challenges it brings.


Claire Trott: My Pension Freedom concerns

As we head towards another Budget and tax year end, we are yet again considering the impact that the Pension Freedoms are having on those retiring now and in the future.


Claire Trott: Not just ‘yes she can’ but ‘we can’

I recently attended the “Yes She Can” launch event, hosted by The Wisdom Council. I have to say that I find many of these female-focused events put me off. I am not a fan of positive discrimination and often that is what appears to be suggested.