Keep up to date with Financial Planning news on Twitter

At the annual conference recently Twitter was a very popular way for many delegates to keep up to date with conference timings and sessions as well as to network with each other. Almost 300 people tweeted from the event, with over 1600 tweets posted in total using the conference hashtag #IFPconf. If you'd like to join the Twitterati and discover the benefits of online networking with your peers, start by following @Twitter and @FPM_online on Twitter. Read more...

Get ready for 'live' Tweet Chat on Financial Planning Week

The IFP will be hosting a live "Tweet Chat" tomorrow (Friday 29 November) from 1-2pm as part of Financial Planning Week 2013 and is inviting all planners to get involved. Read more...

Social media to be heavily used for Financial Planning Week 2013

Twitter and other social media will be a key focus for this year's IFP Financial Planning Week which starts on Sunday (24 November). Read more...

Financial Planner staff now tweeting individually

Financial Planner Online has added two personal Twitter accounts for its editorial staff. Read more...