IFP Social Media: Unlock the power of video says Priestley

Justine Priestley, founder of business video company Really Bright Media, says that too many planners ignore the power of video to reach clients and some over-estimate the cost.

IFP Social Media: Greenwood says planning for social media is key

Social media expert Bridget Greenwood has urged Financial Planners to write down their social media strategy before implementing it to avoid expensive mistakes.

IFP Social Media: Social media usage requires strategy for results

The biggest reasons Financial Planners are failing to see results from social media is because they have no social media strategy and are not using social media regularly. Read more...

IFP Social Media: Internet psychologist says targets are needed

Internet psychologist Graham Jones has told the Institute of Financial Planning's first social social media conference in London today that planners need realistic targets for their social media usage to maintain focus. Read more...