John Moret: The future of income drawdown

John Moret is one of the UK's leading pensions and SIPP experts and commentators. As he enters his 75th year, still working part-time in the sector, he continues his series of articles for Financial Planning Today looking back at the changes that have shaped the pensions sector during his career. In this third article in the series he looks at the rise of income drawdown and what changes may lie ahead.


Advisers 'shifting away' from fixed rate drawdown 

Research of the adviser market has shown a sharp rise in the number using income drawdown modelling tools, with over half (51%) using the tools compared to 38% last year.


Gaudi launches income drawdown service

Gaudi, the SIPP and platform fintech business, has launched a white-labelled pension income drawdown product that can be used by any financial brand.


Pension Freedom withdrawals falling says AJ Bell

A new survey for online platform and SIPP provider AJ Bell on the 5th anniversary of the Pension Freedoms suggests withdrawals have been falling year on year.