Last-minute ISA investors backing UK funds

Figures from investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown have revealed that UK funds are becoming more popular with last minute ISA investors as the end of the tax year looms this week.


Editor’s Comment: A shiver down planners' spines


Financial Planning Today’s story this week revealing that more than 600 ‘ambulance chaser’ firms had applied to the FCA for authorisation will have sent shivers down the spine of many planners, IFAs and wealth managers.


Editor’s Comment: Time for more Pete Matthews…

One of the greatest challenges for Financial Planning in the long term is how to reach the millions who have never heard of Financial Planning or have only a vague idea of what it is and its value. The estimable Pete Matthew, an entrepreneurial Chartered and Certified Financial Planner, may be showing one important way forward.


Editor’s Comment: Why fearful savers shun investing

I’ve felt for a long time that what the fund management sector offers, and Financial Planners and advisers in turn recommend, is often far from what investors want to buy and two surveys this week back up that view.