IFP-CISI merger to go ahead as CEO Gazzard steps down

The Institute of Financial Planning board today announced that it has voted to formally approve the merger with the CISI and has also announced that interim CEO Steve Gazzard will be stepping down. Read more...

IFP's Nick Cann completes epic 100 mile charity bike ride

The IFP's Nick Cann successfully completed his 100 mile charity bike ride from Cardiff to Tenby at the weekend raising over £5,000 for the Stroke Association. Read more...

Donations top £4k as Nick Cann gets set for 100 mile ride

Donations have topped £4,000 for Nick Cann's epic cycle challenge this weekend which he is undertaking to raise money for a stroke charity.


Nick Cann speaks of personal challenge as 100 mile ride awaits

IFP chief executive Nick Cann has spoken of the "personal challenge" ahead as he undertakes a 100 mile cycle ride.