IFP President Taylor praises "dedication" of members

IFP President Rebecca Taylor FIFP CFPCM has praised IFP members for their dedication to the organisation which she says makes it "unique."

IFP appoints interim CEO as Nick Cann continues recovery

The Institute of Financial Planning has appointed Steve Gazzard CFPCM - currently the organisation's Chief Operating Officer - as its interim chief executive with immediate effect. Read more...

'Get Well Soon' website launched for IFP CEO Nick Cann

Financial Planners are invited to share their get well messages with Institute of Financial Planning chief executive Nick Cann via a new website launched today. Read more...

Code of Ethics- are you up to scratch?

When did you last read the IFP Code of Ethics? As a member, you agree to work in accordance with its principles so it's important you know what these are. Read more...