Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:07
Actuarial firm launches new ratings portal

Actuarial firm AKG has launched its own new ratings portal for clients.
The actuarially based organisation specialising in the provision of ratings, information and consultancy to the financial services industry, said the sectors available within the portal include life companies, friendly societies and similar providers, offshore life companies and platform operators.
Only financial services industry professionals who are registered users of the AKG website can use it.
The portal enables users to search by sector, for example platform operator, or by brand or company name, view financial strength ratings for a range of companies and set up and store a preferred list of favourite companies within one sector or across multiple sectors to access on a regular basis.
In a message to clients the company said: "We are delighted to inform you of the launch of AKG's new online rating portal. The AKG Rating Portal will now become a key interface between AKG and our range of clients and users across each of the financial services sectors in which we deliver ratings and information.
"The portal has been designed to underpin AKG's rating output in a user-friendly online reference format, supporting continued access through AKG reports and delivery via our respected third party research and selection system partners.
"The launch of the portal underlines AKG's continued commitment to deliver information to the market that is accessible, comparative and independent."
The portal also allows users to click straight through to purchase short and full AKG Reports and to print a data and rating summary for a company.
The information is accessible through the AKG rating portal includes:
• headline AKG financial strength ratings at a company level
• supporting AKG ratings for each company, including (where relevant):
◦ with profits financial strength
◦ non profit financial strength
◦ unit linked financial strength
• key supporting data items for each company.
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The actuarially based organisation specialising in the provision of ratings, information and consultancy to the financial services industry, said the sectors available within the portal include life companies, friendly societies and similar providers, offshore life companies and platform operators.
Only financial services industry professionals who are registered users of the AKG website can use it.
The portal enables users to search by sector, for example platform operator, or by brand or company name, view financial strength ratings for a range of companies and set up and store a preferred list of favourite companies within one sector or across multiple sectors to access on a regular basis.
In a message to clients the company said: "We are delighted to inform you of the launch of AKG's new online rating portal. The AKG Rating Portal will now become a key interface between AKG and our range of clients and users across each of the financial services sectors in which we deliver ratings and information.
"The portal has been designed to underpin AKG's rating output in a user-friendly online reference format, supporting continued access through AKG reports and delivery via our respected third party research and selection system partners.
"The launch of the portal underlines AKG's continued commitment to deliver information to the market that is accessible, comparative and independent."
The portal also allows users to click straight through to purchase short and full AKG Reports and to print a data and rating summary for a company.
The information is accessible through the AKG rating portal includes:
• headline AKG financial strength ratings at a company level
• supporting AKG ratings for each company, including (where relevant):
◦ with profits financial strength
◦ non profit financial strength
◦ unit linked financial strength
• key supporting data items for each company.
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