National adviser Beaufort Financial has unveiled Corfe Wealth Management (CWM) as its latest appointed representative.
Surrey based CWM was launched in August 2019.
Beaufort will provide compliance and administrative support to CWM which is headed up by Chartered Financial Planner Christopher Webb.
Mr Webb said: “Retirement no longer exists in a ‘traditional’ sense – instead more and more people now look to perhaps take on a new career, build their dream home or travel the world when approaching the third age of life.
“Our aim is to help people build a business plan for their life that reflects their long-term aims – whatever they might be – and which lays down a path for them to follow in financial terms.
“People would do that with a business they ran, so why not with their own lives?
“Our relationship with Beaufort Financial will provide us with the support to continue to do this and grow our business so we can help even more people realise and achieve their dreams.”
Beaufort Financial chief executive, Derrick Dunne, said: “Growing our network to include more forward thinking and ambitious firms like CWM who want to make a mark is an essential part of our corporate strategy.
“Chris has clear ambitions for building a successful, sustainable business in CWM.
“We look forward to supporting him and his team moving forward.”