Editor’s Column: Time to shout about Financial Planning

Financial Planning is not a solution to climate change nor world hunger but it is, on balance, a pretty good thing.
There is, however, more to Financial Planning than Financial Planning and one of those things is the CISI’s Financial Planning Week - the annual consumer campaign to promote the benefits of Financial Planning in its broadest sense.
I’ve followed the development of this yearly drive from its genesis under the much-lamented Institute of Financial Planning and its renewal under the CISI and it is an admirable mission.
The aim of the week is to promote the many benefits of Financial Planning to the wider population and make some noise about the positive impact of Financial Planning.
It’s not about flogging the benefits of your own Financial Planning firm, not indeed pushing particular services.
It is, in essence, a benevolent and charitable campaign to promote the better use of money to help fund that rainy day, prepare for retirement or just protect loved ones.
I know many, many good planners support it year after year and some do pick up new clients from it, often ones they would never have reached.
Equally true is that many planners spend hours giving pro bono advice and assistance to people who, realistically, can never afford Financial Planning fees.
All of these things are good things so if you are one of those planners who always says “no, I’m much too busy” or “can’t be bothered, it’s too much faff” or “I can’t see the benefit” I urge you to give it a go this year.
If only a few thousand consumers hear the message but go on to take some action to sort our their finances that’s a benefit to wider society and the ripple effect can only grow.
We are, hopefully, emerging one of the biggest crises ever seen in the UK and a bit of helpful advice can make a world of difference to many people.
Your contribution could be a simple as a press release sent to local media, a free drop-in session for local people or visiting a school to offer some guidance to students. Whatever it is, it will matter.
At Financial Planning Today, and other media too I'm sure, we’ll cover the best stories and one of them could just make you a little bit famous and boost your business at the same time. There’s not a lot to lose so why not give it a go?
• Financial Planning Week will run from 11 to 17 October and Financial Planners who are CISI members can sign up to take part on the CISI website.
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Kevin O’Donnell is editor of Financial Planning Today and a journalist with 40 years of experience in finance, business and mainstream news. This topical comment on the Financial Planning news appears most weeks, usually on Fridays but occasionally other days. Follow @FPT_Kevin