We are coming up to 12 years since the introduction of pension simplification and although it seemed at the time not to solve or simplify much I would go back to that day in a heartbeat.

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There isn’t anything wrong with a defined benefit transfer for the right person at the right time for the right reasons, but it is a complex decision. So rightly, I believe, there is the advice requirement but this can cause issues for those that can’t afford to pay for advice.

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In the final report of its inquiry into pension freedom and choice, the Work and Pensions Committee calls for a simple package of measures to create better informed, more engaged pensions savers – and offer a default decumulation pathway to protect the less engaged.

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I make no apologies for the fact that ‘phoenixing’ seems to be a regular topic in the industry press – a quick search of the internet brought up no end of articles on the subject, going back over a number of years.

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Cast your mind back to 2035 - the year of the great blip. We had made great progress. All individuals, companies and legal entities held their accounts open to each other through the DigiChain.

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It’s so lovely to see the sun finally return, which must mean that it’s nearly summer!

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As part of our marketing mix, we occasionally like to enter and win awards. There’s a certain prestige associated with being an ‘award-winning’ firm of Financial Planners. Our website analytics tell us that prospective clients are actively searching for this term, so serving up a handpicked list of award wins helps boost their confidence that they are contacting the right firm.

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Where would you like to live when you grow older? There’s a lot to consider. Will your home be manageable as you become older and perhaps less mobile?

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One of my clients died on Saturday. She died peacefully at home, surrounded by family and loved ones. It was, as far as these things can be, a ‘good death’.

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The high court has ordered a group of pension scammers repay £13.7m to the victims of their scams. This is the first ruling of this type and should hopefully strike fear into scammers, although I suspect those who conduct these types of scams still believe they will get away with it.

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