Ex-Financial Planning chief sings despite stroke speech loss

Nick Cann has delivered a moving presentation to tell his story of surviving a stroke – including his first solo singing performance.
The former Institute of Financial Planning chief executive told his personal story of suffering a stroke and losing his ability to speak at a UK Stroke Assembly meeting in Crewe. During his presentation he showed a video of his song. See video below.
On stage now we have @Nickcanncfp presenting his incredibly moving and inspiring story. #StrokeAssembly pic.twitter.com/w4JRrCaDaY
— Stroke Association (@TheStrokeAssoc) May 30, 2017
Singing has been found to be helpful in rehabilitation for patients such as Mr Cann who have suffered stroke and aphasia. He joined a choir a few years ago as part of his strides to recover.
Mr Cann suffered a stroke in 2013. It happened mid-way through a speech about Financial Planning.
His wife Jo Cann told Financial Planning Today: “This was his first solo performance so I’m very proud of his achievements and how far he has come.
“He still has an ability to entertain an audience and it is fantastic that he is able to get on stage and speak to share his story and inspire others.”
She said: “He had 10 minutes to tell his story including showing his video, telling his story and sharing his You Tube video of him singing as part of his recovery. There were about 100 people there.
“Nick joined the choir a few years ago and is now the Treasurer as well.”
Fantastic response to Wales' @Nickcanncfp at #strokeassembly pic.twitter.com/7xco5tW0cF
— Stroke Assoc Wales (@StrokeWales) May 30, 2017
Emotional talk by @Nickcanncfp Sharing experiences of stroke and aphasia #strokeassembly topped off by him singing ? pic.twitter.com/7Pdyl5tPdL
— Anne Abbott (@AAbbottStroke) May 30, 2017
Nick shares some of his goals, with 'sprinting' among them, then shares a clip of him succeeding at singing. Powerful! #StrokeAssembly pic.twitter.com/GNwo7Le8lz
— Stroke Association (@TheStrokeAssoc) May 30, 2017
Wow that is fabulous x
— just urquhartstewart (@ustewart) May 31, 2017
Researchers have found that when a person's ‘speech centre’ is damaged by a stroke singing can help ‘rewire’ their brains and aid in recovering their speech.
The Stroke Association awarded Mr Cann, 53, a National Fundraising Award in recognition of his efforts for the charity last year. A project he began has so far raised a total of £57,000.
He has taken on various physical challenges to raise money.
He has raised about £3,000 by completing a 5km foot race this year despite his physical difficulties as well as a previous cycling event.
Mr Cann continued to be chief executive of the IFP after his stroke up until the body merged with the CISI in late 2015.
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— FP Today Magazine (@FPTodayMagazine) June 2, 2017