A SaidSo robot created as part of the 1 year since launch celebrations
A Financial Planner hopes to entice new customers to his robo-advice firm by offering a £100 cut to its Financial Planning report fee.
Keith Churchouse CFPTM Chartered MCSI has also launched free consumer finance guides to mark the first year of Financial Planning website SaidSo.
The guides cover 11 four-yearly lifecycle periods from the ages of 20 through to 60. Clients can get a planning report from SaidSo for a limited-time discount of £199 instead of £299.
SaidSo clients can get a report which will be prepared over a 10 day period by the team at Mr Churchouse’s Financial Planning practice in Surrey - Chapters Financial.
The feedback to the client includes recommendations, including providers and which funds to invest in. SaidSo charged a flat fee of £159 to implement this when it launched, with an annual review costing £129.
Mr Churchouse, said: “For many, planning for a healthy financial future is a daunting task, which means it ends up being filed in the ‘we’ll do it later’ box. But it doesn’t need to be that way, especially at the beginning of a new year.
“We believe, with the real value that Financial Planning advice can bring, our new SaidSo Free Financial Guides will simplify the process and explode this myth. We have used ‘SaidSology’ as our theme and ethos to achieve money planning simply, online and direct.
“Last year, 2015, was a great first year for SaidSo, which is why we’ve decided to share this success by offering users of our site our Free Financial Guides to get them going on the road to their personal finance success. And our limited-time discount for our online personalised financial planning report is a thank you to celebrate a fabulous first year.”
The newly launched Free Financial Guides cover budget planning and first homes, making the most of tax allowances, children’s savings, investments and pensions, divorce, retirement, and wills. They are as follows:
1) The world is your lobster…starting out (aged 20-24 years) 2) Not exactly as expected...this money stuff is hard work (aged 24-28 years) 3) It’s all getting a bit serious...houses and grown-up stuff (aged 28-32 years) 4) The pitter-patter of massive bills and nappies (aged 32-36 years) 5) The push to be better! (aged 36-40 years) 6) The squeezed middle and half-time whistle (aged 40-44 years) 7) Moving on, up...or out (aged 44-48 years) 8) Every day brings a new and exciting ache (aged 48-52 years) 9) Retirement, me! Not yet…but… (aged 52-56 years) 10) The final push to your winning line (aged 56-60 years) 11) Bored now, want to get off the treadmill please (aged 60 years)
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