Financial Planner pens new book on 'retireability'

A Chartered and Certified Financial Planner has released a new book on transitioning to retirement for successful executives.
The book, ‘Retireability: How To Transition From Corporate Executive To Retiree’ by Nicholas Platt, managing director of Henwood Court, was described as “an essential read for executives who are planning their retirement or are already retired and as the ultimate ‘how to retire successfully’ guide”.
Mr Platt said: “The book provides lifestyle, emotional and financial guidance, designed to improve the likelihood of a seamless transition from work into retirement, as well as strategies that will help retiring executives to design their own ideal life after work.”
Mr Platt “sincerely believes this book will educate, inspire thought and provoke action that will help you to seamlessly transition into a retirement of your choosing.”
The author has worked in financial services for more than 25 years and founded Henwood Court in 2004.
He has certificates in investments, tax and pensions and is also both a Chartered Financial Planner and a Certified Financial Planner.
Mr Platt says he particularly enjoys coaching clients as they transition from work into retirement.
He said the most rewarding part of his job is helping clients to “take the plunge” and encouraging them as they begin to “tick things off their bucket list”.
• ‘Retireability: How To Transition From Corporate Executive To Retiree’ is out now on Amazon priced £11.99 on paperback.