The latest issue of Financial Planning Today magazine, the premium publication for the Financial Planning and Paraplanning professions, is now available.
To view the Sept-Oct issue click on the cover below or this link:
This special issue (Sept-Oct 2024) includes our much-anticipated Annual Financial Planning Reader Survey providing unique insights on the health and shape of the Financial Planning profession. It's a must-read and includes some surprising results.
Also in this issue:
• Meet the Financial Planner who ditched her own retirement plans to launch a new Financial Planning business
• Planner Casebook: Award-winning Chartered Planner Robin Melley advises a couple in their 80s facing major health challenges
• Exclusive: Interview with Life Planning guru George Kinder
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Kevin O'Donnnell, editor of Financial Planning Today, said: "This is an issue not to miss. The survey provides a unique annual insight into Financial Planning and shows the potential direction of the profession which is grappling with huge change and pressures. A big thank you to the many Financial Planners who took part in the survey, too. We'll be announcing winners of our prize draw shortly."
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• Financial Planning Today magazine is the only UK publication exclusively produced for Financial Planners and Paraplanners and is available in digital and print editions on subscription. For more details of subscription options click on 'My Account' on the website homepage (once you've registered for Financial Planning Today website - registering is free).
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