The IFP's Financial Planning Week 2013 was launched yesterday (Sunday 24 November) with extensive coverage in several Sunday newspapers including the Sunday Express and The Observer.
The consumer campaign kicked off with the release of the results of a survey of 2,000 consumers on their attitudes to Financial Planning (see separate story on Financial Planner Online). The aim of the week is to promote the benefits of planning ahead financially in areas such as savings, retirement, protecting loved ones and setting money aside for a rainy day.The campaign runs until Sunday 1 December.
IFP communications director Sue Whitbread, said: "We're off to a flying start with lots of coverage generated so far and social media particularly busy. There is still time for planners to do their bit and join in. Every item of coverage or Tweet, no matter how small, will inspire consumer interest."
The aim of the campaign is to generate media coverage on the benefits of Financial Planning and to encourage IFP members and the financial services sector to engage with consumers through public events, seminars and media coverage.
Much of the early coverage has focused on the results of an exclusive YouGov poll carried out for Financial Planning Week. It found that while consumers were often good at planning for Christmas, they were poor at planning their finances.
Many Financial Planners are getting involved up and down the country and running events such as a drop-in financial surgeries and local media campaigns, sending out press releases and contacting local media to raise awareness.
For example, Eldon Financial Planning in the north east is producing a number of programmes for local radio and also running advice surgeries while Smart Financial in Manchester is one of a number of firms offering consumer advice surgeries during the week and also engaging with local media and social media. Planners at Cardiff-based Penguin Wealth are writing articles for the national media and have produced a financial education website.
{desktop}{/desktop}{mobile}{/mobile}, a site for consumers to rate advisers, is encouraging consumers to visit advisers for a free financial health check-up.
If you are doing something for Financial Planning Week you can email us about your initiative - no matter how big or small - and we'll cover it on Financial Planner Online which reaches over 5,000 unique visitors a month.
Email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also join in the Twitter debate or Follow what's happening via the Twitter hashtag #FPWUK. If you are not on Twitter sign up and follow this hashtag or include it in your Tweets to have your messages read by other Twitter users.
Steve Gazzard CFPCM, chief executive of the Institute of Financial Planning, said: "Financial Planning isn't just for the wealthy it's for everybody. While getting qualified professional Financial Planning advice is the most effective route to take, unfortunately this isn't always possible.
"The good news is that through this campaign, we're highlighting simple steps people can take to manage any debt, build savings and protect their families on the journey. As a result, we aim to help them improve their current financial situation and also seeing for themselves the benefits of long term Financial Planning and the peace of mind that it brings."