Financial Planning Week: PR expert's top tips for planners

From 23 to 29 November, Financial Planning Week will be putting the importance of Financial Planning firmly on the local and national news agenda. Elizabeth Holt, managing director of Holt PR which is working with the IFP to promote the campaign, looks at ways in which advisers can benefit from this initiative.
There has probably never been a more important time to run a national consumer campaign highlighting the importance of Financial Planning, writes Elizabeth Holt.
The planned relaxation of pensions regulation for example, has already thrown up alarming research that many people may want to take their whole fund out as a lump sum and then start thinking about holidays.
This is not just a current news story, but is also a very real opportunity for IFP members to use as an angle to promote Financial Planning Week and to demonstrate their expertise and willingness to comment on financial matters.
Broadcast, print and online media are always looking for expert commentators on topical issues and are also always looking for suggestions, news ideas and responses to the day's agenda.
The Approach
Everyone is busy – journalists busier than most due to the immediacy of their ever changing deadlines. Any initial approach needs to be put succinctly in a few bullet points – there can always be time to provide more detailed information if required. If you supply too much information initially your chances of exciting any interest will be slim.
Financial Planning Week gives you the opportunity to contact your local media with a story and position yourself both as messenger and commentator.
Everyone will have their own individual style of communication, but the essence should be along the following lines: Explain when and what it is – consumer awareness, not advice Explain why – difficult times, simple steps to improve financial fitness Explain what you are offering – free public sessions, drop ins Explain why you - experienced, appetite for consumer education and so on.
It only takes a short email with a few bullet points sent to the editor/news editor/reporter/planner depending on the size of the publishing house and then you can follow up with a phone call to ascertain interest and see if there is any further information you can provide.
It is important to remember that you are not selling anything, you are not marketing anything. You are campaigning to raise public awareness of the importance of Financial Planning – pure and simple. It is interesting, topical and newsworthy – so let's tell everyone about it.
Make It Work For You
If you have made the effort to contact the media and secured a comment in a local paper or perhaps an interview with a local radio station, then it is important to make the most of it. With permission, you can reproduce your coverage for marketing purposes or simply include a URL link through to the original source on your website.
The power of PR should not be underestimated. Your current and potential clients should be shown that your firm is an active campaigner on financial education issues and that you and your colleagues are recognised spokespeople for the financial services sector. Financial Planning Week can provide the ideal springboard for an ongoing relationship with local media – so as many firms and individuals as possible should seize the opportunity.