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- Leeds Branch plays host to leading Paraplanner trio
Leeds Branch plays host to leading Paraplanner trio
In June, we were very fortunate to have Gemma Siddle CFPCM, Joanna Hague CFPCM and Claire Goodwin APP as our distinguished and engaging panel of Paraplanners at our meeting, reports Leeds branch chairman Murray McEwan CFPCM.
For many firms Paraplanners fulfil an essential role in the whole Financial Planning process so we were excited to include a Paraplanner session in our programme. This year we focused on the relationship between Paraplanners and their firms to address how teams might cooperate better with one another to get the best outcomes.
Our conversation was wide reaching.
Here are just some of the headlines:
What makes a good Paraplanner? – They are typically patient, tenacious people, with good organisational skills and good attention to detail;
How do you motivate your Paraplanner? – Don't keep them in a box. Encourage them to attend meetings, share ideas and best practice with their peers. Talk about the client outcomes of what they do. Consider rewarding them for achieving KPIs aligned to exams and client outcomes.
What's the most important thing Paraplanners think they do for their firms? Supporting Financial Planners; watching their back by asking questions and challenging them where necessary;
Evolution of Paraplanning - what developments might be ahead? – More of a collaborative team approach to the client advice process, with Paraplanners taking an active role in certain parts of the process. On balance it seems that co- operation might be best achieved when there is a 2-way dialogue between Financial Planners and their Paraplanners and where everyone in our advisory teams plays to their strengths and only does what only
they can do.
Our next meeting takes place on 9 September when we welcome Daniel Lumb of Law firm Lupton Fawcett Lee and Priestly LLP for our meeting entitled The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Intrigued? Do come along and see for yourself. You'll be made most welcome.