Scotland Branch was fortunate to welcome two excellent speakers in April, reports branch chairman Nicola Coates CFPCM.
The speakers were Dr Peter Westaway, chief economist for Vanguard, responsible for development of the economics and thought-leadership functions in London and Mark Polson, a platform and pensions specialist with langcat. He has 15 years experience and is a well known figure in IFP circles.
Our first session was led by Peter who provided a detailed analysis of what's happening in the European markets.
There was interesting insight into the Bank of England and discussion around what some of the prospects might be both in the UK and Europe for the next few years.
On quite a different note, Mark then introduced us to the changing world of platforms and discussed the merits of those currently available as well as those which are new to market; the impact of RDR on the market as a whole and the concept of dirty; clean; super clean and hopefully hyper-clean funds.
The way in which charges are still bundled is confusing but Mark left us feeling as if there might be hope for the future. Very enlightening and informative and the complexity of the subject matter never fails to surprise and concern me in equal measure.
In May, we were delighted to welcome former IFP president, Marlene Shalton FIFP CFPCM to discuss cashflow modelling, together with referrals expert Matt Anderson who talked about how to gain referrals from existing clients and improve the quality of referrals we receive.
Looking to the remainder of the year, we have some technical sessions to keep us abreast of changing legislation; I am really looking forward to welcoming IFP President Rebecca Taylor FIFP, CFPCM in June and Andrew Brook Dobson CFPCM is delivering a workshop on Ethics in September, which I would urge you to attend. A great way to gain ethics CPD!
On behalf of the branch and the IFP, our thanks go to Turcan Connell and Cornelian Asset Management for providing the venue and refreshments for the meetings. Finally, from all of us in the Scotland Branch, we would like to wish IFP chief executive Nick Cann a speedy recovery and send him our best regards.