The Essex branch meeting in July welcomed John Niland of VCO Global as its guest speaker. Read more ...
At their last meeting before the summer break, the Surrey branch welcomed faces new and old (in terms of a long history of attendance - no comment on their years on earth!), reports branch chairwoman Claire Menni. Read more ...
Taking place at 4.30pm on Monday 1 October at the Beaumaris suite, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, South Wales, is the 2012 Annual General Meeting for IFP members. Read more ...
Birmingham branch welcomed Neil MacGillivray, head of technical support from James Hay, in June. Neil highlighted changes in the 2012 budget and how this affects clients, as well as other tax changes and items of interest to planners. Read more ...
If you ask us, it is absolutely vital that consumers get the Financial Planning advice they need. That's why we're right there when it comes to supporting and developing Financial Planners and Advisers. It's also why we're so proud to be working with the Institute of Financial Planning as a sponsor. Read more ...
For the past few years Prudential has been proud to be an annual sponsor of the Institute of Financial Planning. Read more ...
This year's IFP Annual Conference from 1-3 October looks set to follow the sell-out success of Conference 2011 when delegate and Paraplanner numbers topped 370. Read more ...
The ideal way to demonstrate to your clients, both existing and prospective, that you're a leader in this profession is by winning one of its most prestigious awards. Read more ...
Branch chairmen do a fantastic job in providing local facilities for IFP members right around the UK. They do this on a voluntary basis, to give something back to the profession and help others to learn and develop their skills. Read more ...
Designing and delivering a profitable fee approach for member firms, particularly in the light of RDR, was the topic under discussion at the June meeting of the Thames Valley branch. Read more ...
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