Thesis are working together with IFP member firms to build stronger client propositions. While we know that this means different things to different Financial Planners and firms, Thesis' speciality is working with planners to support the development they need. Read more ...
Don't go for second best! For 2013, the need for the highest quality, structured and accredited CPD is more important than ever as new regulatory rules apply. Read more ...
NHC branch combined ETFs with best practice at its October meeting, with both theoretically dry subjects being treated to a rollercoaster ride of enthusiasm. Read more ...
At the final Surrey IFP meeting for 2012 in November, as departing chairman Claire Menni reports, the branch welcomed Nick Clay of BNY Mellon in a mix of rice, spice and investment advice. Read more ...
At the Chester and North Wales' October meeting, Jeremy Deedes FIFP CFPCM gave an inspirational presentation on "How to deal with a new model client." Jeremy reminded members of how attitudes to money have changed over recent years and to remember this when conducting client meetings. Read more ...
When in Autumn 2011 he originally included VAT as the topic for the Leeds branch October 2012 meeting thinking it might make an interesting topic, chairman Andrew Brook Dobson CFPCM had little idea of the developments that were to occur during the year. Read more ...
Reflecting back on 2012, it has certainly been a pivotal year for many Financial Planning firms. With preparations for the RDR now all but done and dusted, all retail investment advisers as defined by the FSA should have dealt with gap fill, met the new qualifications requirements and hopefully be the proud owner of a Statement of Professional Standing (SPS). Read more ...

Wednesday, 28 November 2012
IFP Member News
Architas is dedicated to providing multi-asset, multi-manager funds of funds for clients in the UK and Europe. Established in 2008, we are committed to open architecture and currently manage assets to the value of more than £7bn. Read more ...
The introduction of the RDR and the move to fee-based financial advice from January 2013 means that advisory firms need to ensure that the services they offer match the services that consumers are willing to pay for. Read more ...
The 7th Annual Morningstar Investment Conference, which will be held in association with the IFP, will take place at the Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel, London on 14-15 May 2013. Read more ...
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