The IFP's consumer-focused Financial Planning Week will be launched on Monday (26 November) and the IFP says it's not too late for more members to join in and make a difference to consumer awareness of Financial Planning in the UK.
The week, organised by the Institute of Financial Planning annually, will run from 26 November to 2 December and the overall aim is to improve consumers' "financial fitness".
Financial Planning Week 2012 will also promote the specific benefits of using a Financial Planner ahead of the RDR changes as many consumers are not aware of the differences between general financial advisers and the special benefits and services of a Financial Planner.
Sue Whitbread, communications director of the IFP, said: "The financial services sector is famous for talking about consumer engagement but rarely does this translate into action. Financial Planning Week is different, it's our chance to put the profession in the national spotlight and show the public exactly what Financial Planning is all about.
"With the RDR shake up taking place in January, it's more important than ever that we send a strong message to consumers about the power of Financial Planning. The more people and firms that get involved and promote their expertise and what they do, then the bigger the impact we can make.
"We would like every firm to do something, no matter how small, even if it's just an email to the local press or writing a letter to the local newspaper. The more ripples we can create the bigger the wave for Financial Planning."
Suggestions from the IFP include:
• contacting the local media by ringing up the editor or emailing news releases during the week
• contacting local schools to offer to speak about financial education
• organising 'drop-in' sessions at your firm allowing consumers to pop in for a coffee and a chat
• writing a piece for a blog or local newspaper or doing an interview on local radio
Seven Financial Planning firms in Wales have already joined up to offer a range of financial surgeries to the public. The seven are Penguin, Bevan and Buckland, Guardian Wealth Management, Future Asset Management, Heron House, Financial Planning Solutions and Blackstone Partners.
Nick Cann, chief executive of the IFP, will be taking part in radio interviews across the UK as well as recording some programmes to be aired throughout the week on a diverse range of media. There will be similar programmes on IFPTV.
The week is being sponsored by firms such as Liontrust, Zurich, Defaqto and Jupiter.
If you wish to get involved, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also follow the week with daily updates on Financial Planner Online and our Twitter news service @FPM_Online as well as the IFP website at
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