Friday, 28 December 2012 08:00
IFP unveils conference to help members benefit from social media

Financial Planners curious about social media have the opportunity to attend a conference in 2013, organised by the Institute of Financial Planning.
The conference will be held in London on 28 February and will cover the key areas of social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
It will explain to delegates why social media is important in business, how to add a personal touch to marketing, best practice strategies and defining goals and objectives.
Speakers include Justine Priestley from Really Bright Media who will be speaking on utilising social media to showcase your business and Bridget Greenwood from Financial Social Media on integrating social media into your business with care.
An IFP spokesman said: "Whether you're a novice or a regular user of social media, join us for a practical and interactive programme to help you make the most of these powerful communication and marketing tools. Ignoring social media is a considerable business risk."
Prices for members are £105 or £147 for non-members but will rise after 21 January when the early-booking discount no longer applies. Discounts are available for groups of three or more booking at the same time.
The conference qualifies for six hours of CPD.
If you are not already using social media, you can sign up for a Twitter account in under a minute at www.twitter.com and then get frequent news alerts from Financial Planner by following @FPM_Online and get regular updates from the IFP by following @IFP_UK and from IFP chief exec Nick Cann with his own personal take on the sector by following @Nickcanncfp. You can also 'Tweet' your own news and views to your followers who can sign up to follow you. Twitter is one of the simplest social media services to use.
The conference will be held in London on 28 February and will cover the key areas of social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
It will explain to delegates why social media is important in business, how to add a personal touch to marketing, best practice strategies and defining goals and objectives.
Speakers include Justine Priestley from Really Bright Media who will be speaking on utilising social media to showcase your business and Bridget Greenwood from Financial Social Media on integrating social media into your business with care.
An IFP spokesman said: "Whether you're a novice or a regular user of social media, join us for a practical and interactive programme to help you make the most of these powerful communication and marketing tools. Ignoring social media is a considerable business risk."
Prices for members are £105 or £147 for non-members but will rise after 21 January when the early-booking discount no longer applies. Discounts are available for groups of three or more booking at the same time.
The conference qualifies for six hours of CPD.
If you are not already using social media, you can sign up for a Twitter account in under a minute at www.twitter.com and then get frequent news alerts from Financial Planner by following @FPM_Online and get regular updates from the IFP by following @IFP_UK and from IFP chief exec Nick Cann with his own personal take on the sector by following @Nickcanncfp. You can also 'Tweet' your own news and views to your followers who can sign up to follow you. Twitter is one of the simplest social media services to use.
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