IFP wants to more than double membership by 2013 says Nick Cann
IFP chief executive Nick Cann has told a press conference at the IFP Annnual Conference of his ambitious aims to more than double the membership of the organisation.
Mr Cann believes that the IFP membership could potentially rise from approximately 2,100-2,200 now to nearer 4,500 by the end of 2013, the year when the RDR changes come into effect.
Mr Cann said: “I think we should aim to double the size of the organisation by the end of 2013. I would say we could see something in the region of 4,500 by then – that’s the potential.”
Mr Cann admitted this was an ambitious target but he believes that the dawn of the RDR, the IFP’s new Accredited Body status and ability to provide SPS (statements of professional status) plus growth in Paraplanner numbers, Accredited IFP Firms and other initiatives would help propel the membership upwards.
He believes the IFP will also benefit from offering a distinctive professional Financial Planning approach built around core processes such as cashflow modelling.
During the conference more details will be announced of the expansion initiatives at the sell-out conference at the Celtic Manor Resort in south Wales.
More than 600 are attending the event this week.
Mr Cann also told journalists that the IFP’s finances were now in good shape and with many educational and continuing professional development initiatives under way the Institute was ready to expand to meet greater demand for its services.
This week too the first Accredited Financial Planning firms will be announced and Mr Cann and IFP President Marlene Shalton FIFP CFPCM believe many more IFP firms will aim for this status.