Doctors do it, dentists do it, even lawyers do it, so why doesn't everyone do it and put property into a pension? Sally Hamilton looks at the pros and cons of investing in commercial property via a Sipp and the sector's latest developments. Read more ...
Each month Financial Planner questions a leading figure in Financial Planning. This month we speak to Noel Maye, chief executive of the global Financial Planning Standards Board. Read more ...

The Financial Services Authority recently released its consultation paper on Sipps which may have major consequences for providers' capital adequacy requirements.
The minimum amount firms are required to hold would increase from £5,000 to £20,000 and could be even higher for firms which hold "risky" assets. Read more ...
Now the RDR has arrived, many Financial Planners may be thinking about value-added services for their clients. George Kinder of The Kinder Institute explains what his Life Planning approach offers. Read more ...
Thomas and Thomas' Darren Lloyd Thomas CFPCM reflects on a couple approaching retirement who had a lack of organisation and needed a "second opinion" on their finances. Read more ...
Consistent investment returns and carefully balanced portfolios are usually at the heart of a solid Financial Plan but how will markets fare in 2013 and beyond? Laura Dew asks the experts for their views. Read more ...
In this edition of Technical Update Harry Kerr of Avalon Investment takes a look at the rise of the Discretionary Fund Managers (DFMs) in the run up to the Retail Distribution Review and explores the benefits of using a wrap platform. Read more ...
Each month Financial Planner interviews a leading Financial Planner to ask him or her to share best practice from their business. This issue we talk to IFP Vice-President Alan Dick CFPCM of FortyTwo Wealth Management in Glasgow. Read more ...
Matthew Howard of Guardian Wealth Management reflects on a case involving a wealthy international client whose poorly-performing investment portfolio undermined his long-term goals. Read more ...
Staff writer Laura Dew looks at how the financial advice sector is likely to change under the impact of the RDR changes in 2013 and what the SPS deadlines entail. Read more ...
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