Veteran Financial Planner Jon Golding shares some tips about an overlooked opportunity for Financial Planners to do well by doing good. In a highly personal viewpoint, he suggests that an economy is only as strong as the quality of financial literacy and capability (FLC) of its people.  Read more ...
Next year is set to be exciting but challenging for investors with a UK election, Eurozone troubles and the ending of global QE programmes. James Nadal asks some leading experts for their predictions. Read more ...
The wrap and platform market has experienced considerable upheaval over the last 24 months following the Retail Distribution Review, the move to clean share classes and the price wars of 2014. But will the pressure continue into 2015 and, if not, what can we expect to see? Nicola Brittain reports. Read more ...
The Sipp market will split into two, one of the leading sipp providers has predicted, while another believes platform Sipps will take the majority of business in future. Read more ...
Successful fund selection requires intensive research, so what resources do Financial Planners use to ensure their clients are provided with suitable portfolios? Nicola Brittain found out.
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A retired couple are concerned about their shrinking investment portfolio. They turn to Financial Planner Darren Lloyd Thomas CFPCM for advice and guidance as they face an uncertain future.


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Each month Financial Planner asks a leading planner to share best practice and how they built their firm. In this issue we talk to Dan Woodruff CFPCM who set up Woodruff Financial Planning in 2003 in Colchester, Essex.

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Each month Financial Planner asks a leading Financial Planner to share best practice and discuss their company. Ruth Sturkey CFPCM
 tells how she built up IFP Accredited Firm Red House Consulting, 
a substantial boutique Financial Planning business.

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Each month Financial Planner interviews a leading Financial Planner or Paraplanner to ask them to share best practice from their business and the story of how they built their company. This issue we talk to Paraplanner Julie Pipe CFPCM, co-owner of Argonaut PP.

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Each month we speak with a leading Financial Planner to ask them to share best practice and discuss their company. Damien Rylett, who is the new IFP events and conference committee chairman, reflects on how he went about moulding his firm Brunel Capital Partners.

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