Intelliflo's Intelligent Office management system has been awarded ‘Approved Associate System’ status, in relation to the ISO22222 standard and The Paraplanner Standard by Standards International.
It is the first time ‘Approved Associate System' status has been awarded to a technology-based system and it recognises the contribution Intelligent Office makes to Financial Planners and Paraplanners “striving to achieve high standards of best practice”.
Michelle Hoskin, founder of Standards International, said: “We carried out detailed analysis of Intelligent Office to see how it measured up in supporting individuals seeking to achieve certification to our standards.
“We were extremely impressed at how planners and Paraplanners who fully utilise the functionality of, and tools within, the system can demonstrate reaching the high standards demanded of both ISO22222 and The Paraplanner Standard.
“It is a massive achievement for Intelligent Office to be awarded ‘Approved Associate System' status and it is the first practice management system to do so.
“Others should watch what Intelliflo is doing with a close eye as they are clear leaders in this area, both within the UK and abroad.”
ISO22222 is the only international quality standard for providing personal Financial Planning and is described as “the global benchmark for professional excellence”.
The standard encompasses:
• Personal behaviour, operational and financial management
• Ethical principles and ethical financial planning
• Competence and experience
• Continual improvement
• Information security, client confidentiality and data protection
• Compliance, risk management and business continuity
• The key stages of the personal financial planning process
The Paraplanner Standard was created by a sector committee with representation from financial services business owners, employers, financial professionals, practice managers, compliance managers, technical and client administrators and Paraplanners themselves.
Nick Eatock, chief executive and chairman of Intelliflo, said: “We are thrilled to have achieved Approved Associate System status and even more delighted that we are the first to do so.
“We strive to incorporate tools and functionality that assists all our customers to achieve high standards and best practice.
“Being awarded this status is testimony to all the hard work the team does behind the scenes to ensure Intelligent Office is able to make a real difference.”