The latest issue of Financial Planning Today magazine has now been published and features the results of our latest annual Financial Planning survey.
The survey threw up some surprising results and indications of the state of the profession.
The July-August 2019 Issue of the magazine also features news and analysis from across the Financial Planning profession as well as regular features and columns.

Plus comment from leading experts including Julie Lord of Magenta, Keith Richards of the PFS, Jacqueline Lockie of the CISI, editor Kevin O'Donnell and more
Regular features include the popular News Summary (covering stories over the past month you may have missed), Job Movers, Professional Body Update, 200+ DFM Listings, Investment Insider, columns from investment experts on what’s moving the markets and lots of other useful professional and business content.
To view the magazine just click on the link here - Financial Planning Today - or the button above.
• Remember subscribers to our daily newsletters get advance access to the magazine so sign up today below to be kept up to date on the magazine.