LEBC’s Ingram quits to pursue media career

LEBC’s well known public policy director Kay Ingram is leaving the company after 18 years to pursue a new career as a personal finance writer, commentator and broadcaster.
Ms Ingram, a Chartered Financial Planner, is a well known media commentator and writer.
She has written for many websites and publications including Financial Planning Today magazine.
She plans to use her experience of the retirement sector and Financial Planning to provide informed comment to a number of outlets, working as a freelance.
She said: “I wish to use my considerable experience in Financial Planning to improve financial literacy among those members of the public currently excluded or deterred from seeking financial advice.
“I hope that better informed consumers will feel able to seek financial advice when taking important financial decisions.”
LEBC managing director Derek Miles said: “Kay has been a stalwart of LEBC’s development, fulfilling various roles in the business over the last 18 years, latterly as our public policy director. We wish her well with her new venture and in her endeavours to improve consumer financial capability.”
LEBC, a retirement, employee benefits and Financial Planning business, has suffered a number of setbacks and a tragedy in recent years. In 2018 founder, chief executive and Chartered Financial Planner Jack McVitie, 57, died suddenly following a short illness.
The company also reported a loss in 2019 and pulled out of the pension transfer market after discussion with the FCA. Turnover and trading profit were hit by withdrawal from providing advice on defined benefit transfers.